- as always this was made on the last day

- because i only have time on sundays atm


- had no clue what kind of genre i should do


- edit: new name my brother came up with

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  • Very nice! In terms of genre, I believe that this very well could fit their expectations.

    • Thank you,

      I guess you were right all along :)

    • Hah, look who called it! ;) I realize that I am late, but congratulations on winning the hearts of the revry jury. :)

  • congrats on winning!

  • i love the pads on this (or maybe its a lead? i dont know mnuch about the terminology of those two lol) but great song, well deserved. a lot of the stuff fits real nicely together

  • Oh this is so great

  • It appears like I forgot to favorite it. Maybe it's destiny's way of saying this groovy creation of yours needs a feedbump. ;)

  • Nice one

  • Love the vibes here ! Everything sounds great

  • Yo this is so gooooood