Oh man, I completely forgot about Olo's remix too...thanks for the reminder SND!

Yes, I used a Heisenberg, and it's fucking awesome. I still used more Pulves, though.
Going for chaotically beautiful here...like the nebula this track was named after.
Part 1 of my Nebula Trilogy. Listen to the trilogy in its entirety on soundcloud:
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0 -
1 how could I have missed this. My own brother remixed it and I never heard it before
1 refav!
0 Thanks friends. :)
0 Chaotic beauty indeed
0 very beautiful,excellent work!
0 Bella me gusta!! :)
0 Thanks Up...been busy of late. Sacrificed some sleep to play around with the Hb.
drone - :D
0 off the keel this is star mother heaven 1moreastronaut. yeah the stellar nursery needs to have this on muzak piped in on lightyear spanning speakers. yes. awesome greatness 1moreastronaut.
0 nice track btw
0 There you are i haven't seen you around in a bit :)
0 Thanks...knew you'd approve, Olo. Turning over a new leaf with this one.
torn, fauko, Cripta, also thanks. :)
0 uhh a different cover, excellent track!
0 excellent ! love your new track :)