After 120 years, the aliens have founded the Golden Record attached in the Voyager 1.

With this information in hand, they've decided to create a hyponotizing record to send back to the planet, hoping to kill all the humans.


Welcome to planet Earth.

We are killing all of the people

with the music

we have here.


hello there, we're here to help

we can not say that we are bad

give us a chance, just don't be scared

hold our hands and you'll be fine.

we will help you with the crimes

we will help you with the laws

we won't change your human souls

we won't change your human minds


why do we need your help?

we can change on our own.

why do we need your help?

Can't we change the world at all?



Potasmic 2015.

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  • ☄ @itshbkpluto_ on Instagram ! ☄

  • bruh, subconscious hauntology

  • haha that's totally cool coincidence

  • doesn't help that Im playing a text based sci fi adventure game atm,,,

    this really sets the mood


  • hjey thanks man :)

  • this is incredible...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • it's a Microkorg's vocoder

  • Amazing


  • I feel like this could easily be a hit on a Daft Punk album. The atmosphere, the lyrics, the vocoding...

    I love it all.

  • oh man this needs a live instrumental cover! image a nice Hammond organ for the pad and the melody, some hard drums and a good telecaster for the progression and textures..

  • yo this is actually really really good

    puts me in the mind of Thom Yorke's solo project combined with MGMT

  • Thanks all

  •! Dude :D

  • amazing <3.