I wanted to do more with this, but it's lagging my computer too much.

5/24- Hope this worked. I'm bad at this.

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  • AGH my ears are bleeding with pleasure!

  • Ooh, sorry i missed your latest stuff man

    That bass is a little too driven (hence the waveform)

    But like it man, sick melodies as always

  • this is sick. Hands down

  • A bit more EQing on the second half of the track might not hurt but other then that well done sir, the syth work kinda reminds me of Unicorn Kid kinda...no relation-lmao ;P

  • your skill is amazing. You are awesome. Great track.

  • luh huv it!!!!

  • Damn, I wish I could make melodies like this :D Nice track Sadface :)

  • It needs a bit of mastering, it clips loads, but it's got some huge potential!

  • so chill and slow but beast and dope!!

  • familiar yet... slow and with attitude

  • what have you done......... did you do all that? that madness.

  • Very creative melody!! It screams potential