wheee im back


here's this crap

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  • Ill remix this later

  • Yo! This is lit dude :)

  • Ngl this sounds like the intro to a minecraft video lol

  • Yeah I agree that the snare is a little quiet. I also think this was trying to go for an epic/uplifting sound, which it does well, but I think some low-end drums would do well too. That was just an opinion. I like the pads though and the house section.

  • snare too quiet but otherwise kool

  • ooooo yessss

  • Looks like the guy in the pick has weird buck teeth

  • number 1: im lovin the snare

    number 2: Broski YOUVE have improved ur future bass keep it up dude!!! :)

  • number 6 les gooooo

  • nice chords

  • Love the chords bro...this is very nice...And never be lazy...u got some real potential....keep at it

  • this is really good

  • jesus the drop hurts my head! did you use white noise or something? i'm not saying its bad, just kinda loud

  • yoo i almost for got about how good you were I'm glad i didn't!