i spent a total of nearly 5 hours on this

i am not sorry

this is only half of it since i do not have the mental strength to edit and post-process a whole 2 mins of audio lol

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  • who voiced this


    • tbf elevenlabs is the only ai synthesizer that can really work for stuff like this

      only cause im able to make my own voices quite instantly and not worry about waiting a friggin day just to see it load

      plus as i said, i had to do a lot of editing and fade in/outs to make the conversation seem convincing

      i have no money atm so sadly i haven't been able to make another ai voiced meme since then weh

    • wow

      i deadass thought that was real

      fuck AI is too good man

      really thought mfs were out here doing the bugshaker

    • i just love how no one ever thinks of it as ai cause i always make sure the interaction and voices sound as naturalistic and convincing as possible- gosh it always makes me happy cause it keeps showing my efforts are going well at such attempts since my goal is to always make convincing ai voice and not just slap in dialogue and call it a day xD

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  • this is so stupid that I had to favorite it

    • and maybe file a restraining order against them

    • ok, as long as you take the lotion away from midwife

    • good

      you're now an honorary bug shaker

  • what.

    • YOU LISTENED TO THE BUG SHAKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • The bugshaker!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • why

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  • bruh wtf LMAO