This is the limit draft size for my pc...

Anyway, I'm quite inactive currently because of university but I really wanted to put efforts in the ATD 24, so... here is my entry !

I don't know when I'll have time to do my next song :(

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  • Thanks everyone for the love ! More than 60 likes in two months is amazing !

  • damn this is such a cool track! How do you get such clean sounding synths?

    • Thanks ! You can have really clean synth sounds with the pulv, cleaner than with the heisenberg imo

  • For a moment I thought it reminded me in Trentemoller's title theme for the series Halt and Catch Fire but I could be wrong. I like it a lot

  • outstanding

  • this is reallyyy interesting

  • the bass is mixed really weirdly

    • I see more or less what you mean, thanks ! Showing me would be great, but I'll not be active in AT in the next days :(

    • It's kinda hard to explain this tbh, and with my lack of vocabulary. I'm better off showing you on a call or something

    • Another thing I might add, is that the transients of the bass are too clicky, some you can do to fix this, a bit tedious, but well worth it for the sake of making it cleaner. Add a low pass automation going down as a slope following every note, it'd help it be plucky, and clean

    5 more
  • This is reminding me of twenty different things at once

  • yo i have noticed you are really good at what you do. and i was wondering if you had some tips. as you see im really into electro music. i mostly chart on 5 or 6 place but im not near your level of complexity and im just amazed!! great work dude!

    • Thanks for your comment, I answered on my wall :)

  • this is sick

  • sounds like an acid trip thru gta 5 with michael :P

    love it!

  • C'est trop beau, la bass elle est complètement incroyable gros comment t'as design ça ?

    • Merci, content de te revoir sur AT ! Pour la basse, pas plus de 2 heisenbergs : 1 en onde sinus simple qui accompagne pour avoir le côté bass freqs, l'autre plus granuleux, en stéréo et avec un exiter auquel j'ai ajouté un curve pour mettre low et high pass

      Après tu fais varier les valeurs de la table d'ondes en automations ou rajouter du flanger de temps en temps et ça te donne qq chose de plus bouncy :)

  • What are you studying at university?

  • I love this oriental touch and in deed the bass is awesome

  • Nice..Very Nice...

  • Superbe track Lava!! merci