is that an scp reference?

had some fun with this one. hope yall enjoy it! :)
intro voice and siren fx are from scp containment breach
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1 -
0 Vist wanna help me make video game music
2 shit man this is crazy good
2 I’m glad this is charting. Well deserved
4 Sigh
How do you do it
4 amazing work, thank you for the new sleep paralysis demon too (the picture)
1 what?
1 if one of u dont open remix im going to kill myself, or at least sent me copied draftttttttttttttttttttttttttt
2 WTF this is incredible
1 eyyyy this actually pretty cool XD i love how u flipped my indie into this holy fuck. i gotta replay it from the beginning!
0 Republished
ok if this doesnt work idk what to do
0 Republished
had to fix helmholtz glitch
0 entry for poets rmx comp