much love for the original and @herlufsew !


Chords/progressions and melodies left the same for the most part



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  • hot

  • oh yes, thanks for bringing me back

  • its funny

    all the tracks that people hide are normally the best fucking ones they made

  • the fact you still have this hidden p*sses me off beyond a level you cannot fathom

  • Unhide or i take your coffee and sounddesign

  • throwback god damn had this autoplay still so good

  • please unhide this bc it's neat

  • unhide this track right now or....

    4 more
  • Hiding this once it's off the charts btw, just a heads-up

  • refav

  • Congratulations on the 3rd place chart dude <3

  • Well done man, well deserved chart as always

  • ollie guy did the charted thing yay

    • he darn gone done dided it

  • I always love how ur able to make everything sound offbeat but still flow really well

  • dude how has this got only 45 faves

    • I think the problem is it's too niche, this kinda music isn't too popular on AT atm

    • it's good though

    • eh, I'm guessing people don't like this as much as my other stuff. Wild hit and a miss haha