will be republishing gotta go to sleep

track 6 blah blah blah

(new sexier chromebook computer less lagg *cool emoji sfx*)

im def not kidnapped rn :)


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  • I like the rest which is after 0:31

  • kinda mid

  • Every one of those peaks in the waveform digitally clipped. The kick in particular is bad for it.

    Otherwise, itxmi is right, more progression in the chords over time would be good. I'd also allow them a longer release time so that they can tail off a bit more naturally. You could also increase the attack time to soften the transient which may help with the clipping issue.

    Look at panning some instruments off to the side (hi hats, maybe che chords, sfx) to widen the stereo field.

  • Republished


  • this shit rides bro me personally i would probably do less distortion on the kicks but it's all personal preference tbh but its nice.

  • >:)

  • ehhh

    not much of a progression im hearing w the chords

    and the kick is very loud