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  • Very pleasant track to listen

  • theres a reason this is number two. you come play this in the club in NY . bet ill be there <3 funk out the ash , i cant this is heat @@@@@@@@@

  • its always the mix in at the end of a song that makes it worth it and this is just wow

  • love it, is this arpeggiator?

  • Thanks mates

  • crazy transitions

    • Wahr is this transition thing. I know that from djing

  • it's not my kind of music that I usually listen to.

    but I have to admit that you did a good job, you are a very good sndbrgn artist;)

  • nice transitions

    and I like how you started it off

  • Hahaha oh shit! All failed republishes are now available. But it’s still only half of the ukulele layer ...

  • Republished

    new channels for ukulele. hopefully

  • Republished

    created new channels for the ukulele. hope it works

  • Republished

    ukulele channel change

  • Republished

    channel change

  • Republished

    changed the channes. hoipe it works now

  • Republished

    put the ukulele on different channels. hope that wokrs