I wanted to release this a long time ago, but something was missing. Now it's complete.

cover: I will find out. Probably from deviantart

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  • Schön dass du auch sowas machst, hat n' ganz andere vibe

  • the brown paper breaks (Roni Size Refrence) with overwhelming atmosphere works really nicely together

    • actually, scratch that, the breaks represent more ILS than Roni Size

  • Has a real "lost in the desert" vibe.

  • sick mix dude

  • OMG

  • Fucking great

  • Energetic but still super chill... I am imagining this in a game OST

    Definitely expositionary type stuff! Loving the atmosphere. Cant say ive heard you get this "melodic" though!! Way to change it up dude!

  • pic reminds me of the battle of jakku from star wars battlefront

  • Percs on point ...

    Great ambient sounds and indeed a very cool vibe

  • ur stuff is so good man

  • I get really excited when I see you published a new track

  • duuudee..such an awesome vibe in this one.

  • Please, never quit AT. Your stuff is too good.