Hey, I'm back from my trip. I had a phenomonal experience which has changed me for the better <3

I've got some new equipment to play with! Boss katana 100 amp and a looper pedal :D

I'm hoping to find a new guitar soon too :)

The first two tracks I've included here were composed in the past few days, since I've been back. The third was recorded when I was in the netherlands, attending a festival. Stay tuned for some new music coming soon!


1 - untitled 27/08/2019

2 - untitled, DAEF#BE tuning (vers2)

3 - pariah (snippet)

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  • godly

  • Yes, my gosh this is great!!!

  • you came through denmark on your trip right? how was it? :)

  • hey man. do you record your guitars with direct input? or do you use a mic? i think i've asked you something like this before but i really like the sound of these recordings

    • i just tried plugging my acoustic (that has a pickup) into this cheap ass iRig and got a nice acoustic tone. it could be better of course lmao but at least its something and it doesn't sound like absolute shit like my guitar recordings used too

    • Of course, you could just plug your guitar straight into your digital audio interface. It's totally up to you, what tone you'd like and what's affordable.

    • aight thanks man

    2 more
  • damn i love the first one, the 2nd one is great too!

  • uhm i demand a full song of #2.

    thank you for coming to my ted talk.

    • publishing the remix rn.

    • throwing them your way on discord :^)

  • Nice.