rest in peace, my dear friend.

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  • fuck, still dead.

    • tut mir echt leid das zu hoeren, mein beileid. durfte ihn ja auch mal kennenlernen und (soweit ich mich erinnere, etwas betrunken) beknuddeln. war ein wirklich feines kerlchen. haetten sich bestimmt gut verstanden, die beiden. beste gruesse (auch an silke!)

    • Mhm it's hard. Our Eddy died too age 16. Heartbreaking. Great monument track

  • R.I.P Bobby

  • :o This is really good. Rest in Peace, bobby :(

  • Still one of my favs on here. RIP bobby.

  • r.i.p bobby.... one of us :(

  • oh man. Rest in peace Bob. For us you will always live in this song

  • today he died of a seizure. thanks for the almost sixteen years of happiness you gave us. i will never forget you, rest in peace.

  • rnzr has that style that if anyone else does it they can't pull it off well. rnzr is the best!

  • re - fav

  • I love this piece! The main theme plays so well with the bassline, and the percussion is fresh, 'unorthodox'. The dog looks pretty cute too :)

  • lolz

  • HEADLINES: "Dog makes a big difference in the world, inspires german man to make a movie soundtrack"

  • great man

  • cool

  • First track I've download on audiotool, I listened loop. That is to say at the time how I was impressed.