aaaah... good times.

We never let this type of power go to our heads; we know what we're capable of.
Triggering things off in that small-minded head of yours...
Inspired by a tall boy that lives next door.
.Take Pleasure & Stay Humble.
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0 -
0 Damn. Just Damn.
0 i have followed you you are awesome is it okay if i put some lyrics to this and created a song to go on my youtube channel? thanks
1 Thks for the new favss!
0 thought U stopped making Music here on the AT, my bad
0 seductive
0 ma favorite
0 Pretty sweet.
0 this is zwool!
0 amazing stuff!
1 0:42 so sexy... bless!
1 I'm really feeling this one...
0 luv the intro very nice
1 I like the transition \ the melody n chords sound great 2gether
0 >:w Wat boy...!?