the triplet flow at the beginning of the first drop makes this one of my favorite EDM tracks ever lol
this is possibly the best AT remix i've ever done, considering the fact that i've only done 3.
btw, portal 2 is one of the best games i've ever beaten.
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0 -
0 Go go power potato
0 wtf lol XD
0 POtATOS approves
0 Oh my Lucifer.
This is an amazing remix...
*100th fave*
1 I wonder what GLaDOS is: Possibly a carrot? A beet, perhaps? Maybe a pickle or a pumpkin? I think i'm getting warmer..... Oh! Of course, it's so obvious: A peanut.
0 I think this song id boss and the original is beast too
2 what the heck if the original is awesome this is UNBELIEVABLE. :D Dose drops too epic.
2 I'm amazed how this track has maintained a constant half amount of favorites from the original.
0 this is real good m8
7 1:52 holy sheet
0 pad and build up is absolutely sick!
0 :I
0 so i opened your track to see where you got the vocals from