WIP - Enjoy? - Also should I keep unisono off or on? I'm iffy about the stereo on the bass - Leave suggestions :)

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  • 1300 plays!!!

  • can you please tell me what the drumsample is?

  • You're amazing in D & B

  • Keep sub bass mono, you could get phasing problems with it if you play on a large sound-system. Really great sounds in this. :)

  • Pretty nice.

  • pure pro sound - yes go go go !!!

  • wooooooooooow, very good leave the unisono, sounds great :D

  • Yeah I need that strong old skool vibe

  • Mono with a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittle spread, but genre is weak like that

  • Personal preference for me: I prefer to have my bass mono, the bass is perfect..anymore and the sub will sound messy and overpowering when you listen with high quality headphones/speakers. My speakers react well to the bass, keep it!

  • correction: The unisono for the bass is ON should I keep it that way?