track 2 of 10

never catching a break


eh another single couldn't hurt

this has been finished for so long lol

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  • Took me forever to understand the title. But I think I get it now.

  • opium nut ( 10/10) Imagine listening to this on acid..

  • I have such high respect towards this, I love listening to the chord progression. I truly can listen and vibe to this. I like listening to the journey in music.

  • "now this... this is epic." - tragic scatt

  • this whole distorted ambient style is so tasty i love it

  • i love this track so much om gonna get the waveform tattooed on my eyeballs

    3 more
  • these depths are eternal

    this feels like the last words you heard from a loved one that’s no longer there put thru an audio stretcher

    the sweetness at the beginning slowly tainted by the reality of their absence until it all crashes down

    thank you for this journey

  • This is interstellar.

  • Nice

  • fucking gorgeous

  • this is preeeeeetttyyyyyyy

  • wow

  • holy crap

    • your microtonal stuff is some of your best work, i simply can't get enough

    • this is just something else

  • meh, it's alright