An open area that can be found in the abstraction that you were teleported to. It seems to be one of Del Aura's discarded sectors.


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  • do 69/4 next

  • beautiful

  • bruh this is so good

  • do you actually plan on using any of your tracks in video games? :D

    • EPIC, You can put it on my wall, and i'll contact you guys if I figure something out

    • plus we can also help research and assist in getting your game out to someone who will appreciate it and help you maybe even make some money! Check us out, we got a website if you want it ill send it to you in a DM or something lmk :)

    • I have friends with skills in programming and game design if you need some extra hands to accomplish your game! We can talk pricing later, I personally wanna help for free, but my friends may want a buck or two depending on how much we'd do. But this is a serious offer. I'll discuss it with them, if you're interested. Hmu on my wall anytime :)

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