Approximating a normal curve with 40 sdetune. It's like a flanger on an impulse, where the flanger is a impulse response consisting of 41 evenly spaced impulses with relative volumes:

1, 40, 780, 9880, 91390, 658008, 3838380, 18643560, 76904685, 273438880, 847660528, 2311801440, 5586853480, 12033222880, 23206929840, 40225345056, 62852101650, 88732378800, 113380261800, 131282408400, 137846528820, 131282408400, 113380261800, 88732378800, 62852101650, 40225345056, 23206929840, 12033222880, 5586853480, 2311801440, 847660528, 273438880, 76904685, 18643560, 3838380, 658008, 91390, 9880, 780, 40, 1

, also known as line 41 of Pascal's Triangle.

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  • Yo - make a track using Fourier transform concepts lel

    • fourier transforms r the death of me

    • WoW what a good idea; An additive synthesizer.

      I estimate that with about 125 Synthesizers (to cover the audible spectrum)

    • What I mean is, calculate DFT of a sample separately, and then construct the IDFT with many Heisenbergs.

    8 more
  • nerd

  • WoW I never thought I would listen to the music of this n! / k! (n-k)!

    And on the other hand I discovered that I have not the slightest idea of "What the SDetune does with the input signal"

  • "edm takes no talent"

  • Earlier this quarter, I implemented a recursive Pascal's triangle solver with memorization (give it an index in the triangle and it will recursively calculate the value that goes there). That doesn't pertain to the track, but I thought it was cool.

  • How does you know this grand master-san