Konečně jsem publikoval něco co jsem dlouho plánoval. Vytvořit remix na song od Christiana Chroma :D Samozdřejmě originál je Amazing tak jsem se rozhodl vytvořit Remix. Tento song je v albumu Elements

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  • Yay it's written in Czech :D Thanks :)

  • dobrý ;)

  • Thanks roobarb ;)

  • Reminds me of stabbed in the back by mind of kane a little,without the breakbeat,,great remix m8! ;)

  • Thanks all who like this remix :)

  • Sorry, Google translate translated wrong : i think google translate was the problem :D

  • the translate of "Tento song je v albumu Elements" was me missleading

  • Translate was no problem, everything can not be translated, I can speak little English.

  • i think google translate was the problem :)

  • ah ok your album named elements too :D

  • And thanks Bracolli and Cristian Chrom :)

  • I know the remix will be in Elements. Look at my track Varování and read text. Also, it says that the song is in the album Elements. Elements will be my future album and I came up with the name before you. I do not know if it from me the name you copied or invented but warnings are created before your first song in the album Elements :D

  • and its not in the album elements its in Solanum

  • maaaan i love it :D you are the first person who made an rmx of one of my tracks and its good

  • Superb remix