I always wanted to remix this theme song soooooo badly and, bam! here it is :3 I've played Battlefield since I was little like, the first ever Battlefield, till the new one, BF Hardline. I love it /)^3^(\

Comment bellow if you're a Battlefield fan! and don't worry, I'm a Call of Duty fan too x3 Played all there games too.

Wub on!

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  • i dont play on console when it comes to battlefield, i play on PC. i used to play on xbox 360, and i was unstoppable. but i love battlefield cause there more realistic than cod, sorry thats my oppinion

  • Lol thanks guys and, I'm a PS3 or PS4 and Xbox person, when it comes to those games, but I play on my laptop the most but, I don't have those games on my laptop. And BFH is awesome in my perspective

  • Omg ;_;

  • curious wat console u on or PC?

  • Hows BFH anyway? It didnt appeal to me that much compared to the previous titles. Only thing that makes me wana play is the guns like akm, m16a3 and m416. Battelfield FTW <3

  • There was a link to my SC on my profile on the right, same as my YouTube. And lol I was in a Elite Brony clan and, we did really well in the leagues in Cod 2 and stuff, and battlefield, I'm a master at it xD

  • im in a sniping clan on cod

    and i suck at battlefield

  • found you on SC :3

  • Hell yeah! :)

  • imma fan of both :3