ooh throwback

I would say that this is the only track on the EP that is purely trap. It also hits the hardest. Enjoy!
If you haven't already, be sure to check out the rest of the EP and let me know what you think!
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0 -
0 this shit so hard bro oml
check my stuff out you might like it
0 Nice drop !
0 Lovin this bro!
Whisk for me shawtee
Drop it down low
Down to the flo'
Make it clap, make it roll
its a party, got juice, got troll
hands in the eh
go move now go
baseball baseball baseball baseball baseball baseball baseball baseball base base base base base base base base ba ba ba ba bababababbbb dj put the base uh
Now you all can read along.
Really like this song btw and i usually don't like trap!
0 sublime hat rolls
0 HUGE!!!!! Wow man this is phenomenal !!!
1 i think a cul petepem should go nice in here... yeah absolutley lol
0 instant fav!
0 I'm not a fan of trap, but I'm a fan of this... dayum. Nice one.
0 AMENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
15 tav daddy, you make some fresh trap man
0 Classic Trap.
0 Good trap Man rare to find this here!