now ima do compression. this is what you do (FOR NOOBS ONLY ;)
1. split off the channel from the kick using a splitter.
2. put 1 channel into your mixer
3. plug the other channel into the "sidechain" port on the side of the compressor
4. adjust the threshold and ratio so it suits your track...if it is a calmer mood maybe you want a less intense sidechain, if its like crazy trance or something youd probably want it more intense. here we are only doing it for the bass
5. the bass will get louder if you sidechain it, im still not quite sure why that happens but it does as you increase the gap between the threshold and ratio. so here i lowered the volume a bit.
6. since the trail of the 808 kick doesnt sidechain the bass because it is so soft, it still conflicts so i added a compressor on the sidechain channel and turned the gain up to about 3db so it was superloud and the end of it sidechained the bass.
i also added some sidechained reverb, which i will go over next as my first trick/coolthing/whatever. ;)
oh and i also moved the kick to a separate mixer because it was sidechaining the sidechained reverb too much.
next ill be going over some of the tricks i use for AMBIENT stuff, but they can also be used for different genres. :)