look, I just thought of this so here it is. OK?

So, Rules.

1 Change it

2 Make sure that it is recognisable.

3 Use the Remix button on this track

4 Give it a good name

5 Show me your best, alright? Give this YOUR spin. How would you have made this?

Prizes: I don't really have anything, so no prizes. Guess a collab if you want that, shoutout on my Wall, and so on.

Now get remixing.

Deadline: October 15th

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  • Last day

  • short and sweet i can pull a remix in a week :)

  • i'll might join see what i can do also if i can't do it at home i literally have all break and lunch to do it at school since i'm in 6th form and one of the teachers at my school did like a 6th form computer club which is on every day at break and lunch

  • This is the kinda music you can get lost in a desert to. I like it.