Alongside Arama The First, Mu Phantazein finds you in the abstraction, annoyed that Arama beat him there. Mu then introduces himself, and sort of kidnaps you to his dimension. He wants to run a few tests and challenges with you due to boredom, Arama the First tagging along. Usually, Mu hangs out with Arama The Third, but since he's not currently in that state, he's been looking for something interesting to do. Mu claims that Arama The First is not intelligent enough for him, but he falls for his tricks sometimes and refuses to admit it. Your adventure begins to take yet another interesting turn.


Mu Phantazein is a tall, bright, scientist-like fellow. He wears a hooded lab coat covering all but his face, hands, and lower legs. His hooded lab coat is white with light multicolored holographic sheens scattered across the coat. He wears circular spectacles, and his skin resembles a pastel multicolored television fuzz. He prides himself on his amazing intuition, despite always getting obsessed with seemingly small things. He is known to be manipulative and to get out of control sometimes, but he usually quickly regains control of himself.


Pronounced "MOO -- FANTA-ZYNE," Zyne rhyming with Fine.


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