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  • so is this the riddim that perds sent thru shipping? ight lemme check the package inside. Oh fuck why is it so high temperature, there's a note here tho.

    *opens it* "hey bastard"


  • sound more like a riddim man than a tearout man

    • I meant the full version. Also. It IS riddim, so im glad

    • sounds like cocknoise riddim

  • c h e e k y

    This is lovely! Tbh, you have some of the best bass music mixing on the site. A lot of AT creators in the bass music community just aren't too keen on mixing, but I've always noticed how your work is always up to par. You're simply amazeballs! Keep it up, man.

    • Means a lot that its noticed <3

    • I try, man. Im not the best and do it all by ear. It sends me crazy sometimes

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  • should add a jumpscare at the end

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    moar riddumb

  • lmao what

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