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  • Smooth, but as someone who actually plays jazz, not exactly jazzy. Jazz is all about the freedom of expression and the soul behind it, in whatever form that takes. Generally speaking, the majority of recordings of jazz standards are improv, that being said, those recordings regularly are longer than 5 mins. One song coming to mind had a 6 or 7 minute drum solo. So maybe play around with some ideas and really breathe some life into it.

    • Also, if you ever wanted to know how to do swing eighths without messing with global shuffle, it's two tied triplet eighths followed by a triplet eighth (so 2 long 1/8T + a 1 long 1/8T). Not sure if this is useful or not but it's interesting and relevant so why not. Hope I helped in some way.

  • Drums arent too jazzy but this is really nice bro! Nice job! :)

    • idk if i made the drums better or worse but i did something xD

  • Republished

    illusions of vinyl