Yeah, i couldn't quite get it to sound how i wanted to.. Although i'm already aware of that. xD.. I'm working on a new one, the thing is i like to keep my mistakes on published tracks, so when i release new content i can compare the progress i made from last time i published, and from that keep getting a better polished sound. :P (That's a tip a friend of mine gave me);
Anyways, @SystemShok thanks for commenting on this track! :)
I was expecting some kind of love song! :) hee and yeah I started an fb just for AT like torn did, it's the best way and you don't get the annoying mindless drivel.
I guess i could create a new facebook if needed, although i think there should be a chatbox type of thing around this page, maybe restricting people from spamming out their tracks and stuff.. Like Chatango, for example.
Anyways, if there's not really any other way i might as well join that facebook page, the more i can get involved with people the better i guess. :D
dude i started fb for audiotool and artist connections - no prob man a lot of peeople don like fb i'll send shit to your wall or the others - yeah the community is all in favor of audiotool-based forum i think they may be working on it :)
I'm not a facebook user anymore. :(.. I kinda dropped it a few months ago, perhaps msn, skype, ventrilo, or even that forum that's around would work for you?..