i guess we makin little guys now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

LOOK, original art!

it's all just doodles anyway, right up my art-deficient alley

hope you enjoy :)

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  • Oh baby

  • Yippee

    • I can't explain it. But this sounds exactly like the title.

  • Republished

    Dude Cal is a life saver lol

    practically should be listed as a co author

    this should be way better now

  • Republished

    good lord when's the last time I republished a track?

    Tried to make the kick not as resonant following some of Cal's advice, and handled resonance in a few other areas

  • dick dick dick dick dick dick

  • Creative juices flowing, once you get into a groove, the song ends to soon. If the vibe of the song was longer it could turn into a remix adding another song to you list. Just a thought.

  • nice

  • the little guys are plentiful

  • certified little guy heater

  • chart in 4 hours we're so barack bros


  • verry silly indeed i feel joyous and whimsical

  • what a silly little guy

    • I traced over the original

      All silliness kept in tact

  • Also, if the mix seems "off" compared to other stuff, it's because I'm back in the saddle of the ath-m50x's. I hope to keep it this way, I missed these headphones!