
po9t remicks challaneg 5


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  • This was a personal favorite when this challenge happened

  • Good work

  • this is 🥵🔥💪💯❤️

  • who tf is greg

  • Imma hit the remix button and study all the techniques and stuff in this project and probably make my own remix of a songs acapella using these sounds

  • yea greg a lil bitch lmao

    Fr tho a good portion of audiotool's best mixing jobs are tracks from you. You did such a lovely job with this one especially. This track makes my ears feel like they are on solid ground. lol

  • Great hyperpop feel

  • how do I learn to make stuff like this, I'm not even joking... how? yt tutorials, or just messing around? please tell me.

    • ty ty

    • ohhhhh okayyy

    • pretty much just dickin around with sounds until its good

      kinda like cooking except with audio

      i just throw shit together until it sounds good. usually i just come up with ideas on the spot, or if i dont, i take literal years until my creativity is like "Hey remember that one draft you forgot the name of from ages ago? Yeah i got an idea for it"

  • this dope af but i wish there was more sub

    • the vocals have been a pain in the ASS to eq correctly

      at least im closer than i was last time

    • yea def alot better now althought the one thing i dont like is etheir the high end in the vocals or how loud it is

    • much better B)

    3 more
  • Republished

    more small edits because i rushed the last repub

    fun fact: im also rushing this one

  • Republished

    440hz bois (was 432hz)

    the bpm thingy is lying, its actually 153 bpm

    Lots of mastering changes as well as some edits to vocal chops.

    Oh, the piano intro is slightly different too because the 2khz-heavy piano was very, very terrible to listen to

  • Still figuring out how tf you get your levels right and that compression

    • did you figure it out yet?

    • I've been baboon'd... There's a remix butting staring at me right there. I will figure it out eventually how to click it

    • I think it's your less is more setup

  • I want this entry to win. It would be nice.

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