So first, before anyone says it, yes, this is over the time limite and yes, I have lost because of that. Frankle I don't really care. I remixed this becuase when I heard it I had an idea for an Electro House track and I'm very satisfied with my attempt at realizing it; and that's all that matters to me.
second, why yes that is a new alias, one that I wasn't planning on unvailing this early on but, The Scarf Sisters will be my House, Dubstep, and Trap alias. Don't expect much from them for a while though; I still don't quite have a feel for the afor mentioned genres yet.
third, DON"T WORRY CAPTAINNOISEPOLLUTION! I'm still the same noisey, speedy guy you started following! And I've got a few more tracks in the works you should really like.
Lastly, I'd still like to read your feedback on this
Zegg. Be sure to leave a comment. ^_^
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