Was absolutely inspired to touch up @Linnk 's song when I heard it. This is my take on it, or at least where my brain went with that great synth in the beginning.

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  • Beautiful!

  • i just noticed there's background harps 2:33

    1 more
  • so good!

  • fuck me holy skgldmxkgnvdlgvdfhgzg

  • These chords are so smooothh, even the percs fit so well! The main synth lead does need changing up a bit tho, it gets kinda repetitive

  • dl plssss

    • Can't enable them for some reason. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • This is beautiful

  • Oh yesssss

  • Huge atmosphere holy crap

  • i love the crusher feel at 0:51 and on

    • I'm a big fan of crushing chords and compressing them like this. Very appealing to me.

  • Xtract is on fire

  • i wish the side-chain was little stronger

    • I think the side-chain is perfect

    • I dunno, I didn't want the kick to be the center of attention. It's ducking them a lot so that it can still punch through, but the release is short so it isn't doing a severe pulsing like I might do in another genre.

  • I loved the original so much, but it felt empty.

    This one is soooooo amazing.

  • Your stuff always inspires me so much.

  • im absolutely loving that pluck