nice joke

Doctor, I'm compressed...
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1 -
0 lmao xD
1 Refave! I forgot how good this track is! :)
0 Republished
Well, Opaqity... You were right, it was a bit muffled becuase of the Slope I put on the Master. It's fixed now, though. But, in my defense, that thing should go to 22kHz, not just 10kHz.
1 I can't get enough of it!
1 Awesome!!!
1 Lovin that percussion
1 So cool
1 Nice one, probably the best from you.Good timing, right for the AT Day competition:)
2 Holy shit! This is amazing! The pluck in the beginning is spot on!
1 Great one!
0 Republished
Shortened master fade out.
0 Thanks, cluless. I tried to get away from my typical clean plucks and ended up with that super-resonated pad :P
I might try some more experimental stuff soon as a result.
1 yo this is amazing dude. really lovin the synths on this one :DD
10 lol thought the description said doctor, i'm impressed