
Genre : Dubstep
If I was allowed to name this track it would be called " I Don't Care ".
Thanks to all The contributers, Pretty sure theres at least 10 ;)
The only samples used were for the vocals and the sweeps. I took presets and changed them.
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0 (link is only visible to registered users) that makes three of us!
0 thx!
0 pretty awesome man!!!! i made a dubstep remix too :)
0 Republished
pretty sure i'm finished but you never know ;)
0 still gonna be editing the whole time tho ;)
0 still gonna be editing the whole time tho ;)
0 I'm pretty happy with this now... :)
0 Republished
more stereo fixed minor things and MASTERING let me know if somethings still off ;)
0 not finished wit this yet ;)
0 Republished
Second differnet bass drop and a little more mastering
1 The melodies are sweet, I wish I knew how to make such great pads and basses :D
only a little criticism : there is a little silence at 0.21 you should fill it with a white noise for example ;)
0 yep workin on EQ
0 Thx :)
0 Don't really like the vocals in the beginning but you mixed with it pretty well! :D
Besides that love the melody and the drop is sick. :)