wow! well done!!

edit: frig flute up an octave
edit: add some orchestral hits
edit: remove a couple of samples
edit: play mix mash and mess about :)
Getting carried with this so I'll stop here,
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0 -
0 james bond!
0 fun!!! ;)
0 it's tronic, helio tronic
0 G1m8, eheh :)!
0 Thanks ATU & people of ATU :) The quality contributions help. So respect to: Frigolito, Tyburn, Cripta, Alan Ross, Olaf and noraus.
ATU 11 rocks! check it here: (link is only visible to registered users)
0 My fav teaser! :D
0 cool
0 Thanks Cripta and all contributors :)
0 my name is heliobond....james heliobond !! :)
0 You're welcome Jambam :)
0 Cheers for the link! :)
0 I can be very uncool too :) lol you should see me when I spit my dummy, actually don't, but thanks and big up yourself tornsage, you rock bro!
0 did anyone ever tell you how cool you are heliotronic ? ? ?
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Amazing sample source albeit MP3, wheres the wav section, anyway every orchestral instrument in every key :)