Last time I entered a remix contest was on December and since my good friend Xavrockbeats is hosting one, I had to do it. Besides, the original song is awesome!
This was hard to remix, because there were so many devices, like for real, open the original. Wow... Jambo level stuff.
Suggestions and criticism welcome! More like a house edit than a full-on remix :p
This is a good remix. I like the beat , I really like the idea of the intro and i like the melodies. So here is what i think you can improve TBH in my ears the tone of the Top Lead Melody "Plucked" does match the backing lead Melody (side chained). they key seams to be correct and i know what you were going for by throwing the tonic note down a half step on the top lead, but for me the top lead does not work all the time .
to make it work you need to find the tonic note of your key sig and lead out with it then throw in your accidentals.Your Back Lead "Side Chained lead" is just fine.
Second your Back lead synth is over produced and sounds to wet i to me. this happens ALLLLLL the time on audio tool, remember the fewer filters you use on your sound to get an effect the better
If you are going to design a sound that requires a lot of filters it is a good idea to split the signal and divide the filters among the two signals so you don't "Squash" your synth too hard. This is a good song my friend you will do well in the competition.