@Werbs also i'm making a beatmap for this song on osu! (link is only visible to registered users)

This is what happens when u study luxior's old stuff, make a glitch hop track out of it, and then add a ton of rasselbock.
Still Needs work.
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0 @Distorted Vortex ya this would be cool on ninety9lives
1 i think this should go on ninety9lives or monstercat because is that good
1 it sounds similar to luxior are you sure your not luxior :3 anyways great job on the track even though i did a joke at the start of my comment
0 Can i make you a music cover for this track or is it fine?
1 The idea is mad! Does need a bit of work tho yeah, but shit you managed to get it to 6 mins XD <3
0 Republished
The blip on the third part of the drop was too distracting
0 @Carrion Haven lol
0 like i was there when you said that...... sp00ky
0 when you said that i got right to that part XD
0 my favorite part: 1:45
0 np
0 @Carrion Haven lol thanks
1 i already know it's good because it's you dude. i mean come on XD
0 that fave without play tho