I'm going on a fav spree on all these tracks i love but missed <3

Almate: It's crazy that we've been working on this track for nearly 8 months. It's been on and off but I'm proud of this one. It's an honor for me to work with Onyx. It's kinda funny that people keep saying we should collab while we already have been working on this.
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0 -
0 b-e-a-utiful. This is nice
0 Yeah, it's good coming back to this :)
0 I did too.
This is great!
0 I almost forgot about this
0 Haha thanks
0 Those chords remind me of power rangers, so cheesy but so good
0 Thanks skulll kid!
0 yup this is amazing, great job guys! Deff a Gem for sure!!!!!!
0 oh gosh... just from the intro alone i can tell that this is gana be Epic!!!
0 @Nion I honestly don't remember how long it took.
0 Thanks
0 How long did it take to make that melody?
0 That vibrato (:
0 wonderful sound !!