This is the first song to make me cry in a while, im gonna leave all of po9t's links so that maybe he'll get a little more awareness (doubt it considering hes one of the biggest on AT) i love yall, please be safe, and po9t, keep being amazing man <3


Spotify, apple music, etc:


Youtube vid:


Sit by the door for you to come home again

Feels like forever since i saw my friend

Drown your frown out and come out to play

We can burry your worries today

Come and walk

Take me to the park and we can sit while you talk

And tell me all your problems and throw me a ball

I could run for miles and never leave your side

Well, i've tried but i cant get too far

Now your packing your boxes and move them by the door

The pain is written in your face

Swear i've seen this before

Hear you call me by my name

Drop my toy to the floor

"don't leave, don't leave,"

"don't leave, don't leave, please love me more"

"please love me more"

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  • Republished

    tried to fix the clipping last minute

  • Republished

    redid the mix and extended to fit contest rules -w-

  • Republished

    extended and re did the mix, for the contest -w-