Maybe its time for another Christmas gift :D
Our lil christmas gift for you guys <3
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0 -
0 Never got to it
0 So amazing guys
7 -
0 Please check out my demo below and leave me some feed back (it has some pikachu in it for poke mon lovers)
follow me and ill make sure to follow you back
1 I want some spaghetti. This song makes me want spahhetti.
2 tbh the intro kinda sounds like you found me lol
4 you always have the crispiest and cleanest arps
2 YES! ZEROD AND DUBLION!!ship it ° ͜ʖ°
1 i would rate this 69x69=3,681
1 lol
2 wow
2 public static void main(String[] args) {
int Array []
Array = new int[69];
Array[0] = 42
Array[1] = 420
System.out.println("Element at index 0: "+ Array[0]);
System.out.println("Element at index 1: "+ Array[1]);
disasterous layout..
14 What makes a good song great:
1) Zerod
2) Dublion
3) Arps
4) Christmas gifts ;)
3 Caylx & Teebee kek