Thanks Stage Fright

I said Big rooooooooom !
Big Bass, big synth, that's fresh, no ?
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0 -
0 ATs first bigroom?
0 Thanks
0 Shame on you for always being awesome.
0 Thanks The Marquis
0 Just got yourself a follow..this is great.
0 DJ Lem : Merci merci DJ LEM
0 @Jera : No souci pour remixer l'ami, fais moi signe quand t'a fini sa que je jette un petit coup d'oeil ;)
0 vraiment bien
0 Okk c'est bon j'ai trouvé je vais le remixer aussi ;) qd on aura fini le son ac french impact ;)
0 Ci-mer ISLYZ
0 Super synthé et super basse! J'adore! :D
0 @Tha Civilian : Thanks. I don't know this music, but Jackass that told me something... haha too crazy these guys. They still make DVDs? The last time I saw one of them appear it was in the movie Project X.
0 Thank you Luxior.
2 I will always love your music Santos.