Its just another day by the sea for the old fisherman, another day lost and another day closer to death...

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  • Like a little hymnn and very chilled out.

  • Thank you everyone for the comments, really makes me happy every time I get one for some reason aha :)

  • really love that synth

  • very chill kinda creepy description

  • very nice i like the chords :)

  • that's a real fine organ sound daanbread. this song's feeling fit's the title too. and the layers of textures works well i think. good track daanbread.

  • Very relaxing!

  • very cool, welcome

  • Cheers mate :) I wasn't too sure on it myself to be honest, and I kind off rushed it to be honest, ill probably work on it and republish it one day.

  • This is interesting. Bird song sounds good but is a bit cliche. Maybe use the birdsong more subtely. Also some of the birds don't sound very seaside. Sorry to critique. Digging the concept & your synth work :)