-Track: Prologue

-Title: "Anna (Gravidon Remix)"

-Gravi's Thoughts: Honestly, I cannot say that I know @Vassrvögel all that well. I really don't know the exact details of what she's going through either. I mean, hell, I wasn't even following her until about a couple days ago. That was when I heard the orignial song "http://www.audiotool.com/track/anna-ngvtmeck/" by @navor and everyone else who contributed. It was and still is their gift to her. The first time I listened to the song...I cried. I don't do that very often either. As I was listening, I felt what they were feeling. I felt how much they cared about this amazing person that I barely know. I felt like a total dickhead for not even knowing you and I still do. This is my way of showing that I care and that you have my full support. I'm not sure how exactly how you feel about me remixing something that had such an impact on you, but no matter what, this remix isn't for my own personal gain or for the pleasure of anyone that listens to my music. It's for you, Anna, and I hope you find as much meaning in this as you did with the orignial. As for everyone else who may be reading this/listening to this remix, I simply ask that you listen to the original song, be as kind as you possibly can to @Vassrvögel , and keep her in your prayers...

Hope You Enjoy and Best of Luck ^-^

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  • good RMX

  • @Gravidon I was gonna say three cuz I know you've been on here for three. But I didn't think you had been doing THAT long so I just stopped at Two. I Honestly I would have been ran out doing that.

  • @T S 3 years, actually lol. I couldn't think of anymore to make, at least not any that would fit the theme of this EP. I still have others that I haven't used yet for future tracks. But I'll have to design a newer one pretty soon... ;)


  • You fucked up that cover thing you've been doing for like 2 years now :O

  • @Polygon <3 It's because remixes were disabled on the original track.

  • Also, just as a heads up, the first track of the #DestinyEP will be published in 17 days on New Year's Eve. :D


  • Now this is a good one. Sounds a little less energetic though with the drums not being that loud.

  • just me but i feel like the synths could fill more

  • ok shit this is emotional

  • nice!

  • Thank you ^-^

  • nice, man! :D