This song is made entirely from samples off of my Yamaha CS5 monophonic analog synthesizer. I did add some distortion to the chords, and I panned the hi hat esque synth noise I made. Also, the bass sound I used is effected by the rasslebock and with a slight chorus added.

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  • Hey there, you can download this in any audio format(although it was converted from the .ogg I downloaded on here) along with other songs I've made on audiotool and elsewhere here.

  • That also is cool that you have some analog gear 808, I only have my CS5, kinda thinking about getting a second synth(polyphonic, because chords are nice when you can just play them and not have to multitrack it). I feel like my understanding of synthesis in general has greatly improved after getting it. Part of it is because of no patch memory, and the limit of having one VCO makes you think about ways to use what you have to create sounds that seem more substantial.


    Thanks, I got the synth slightly on a whim, because a friend of mine was selling it, it was a good price, and I figured it would be a great piece of gear to get.

  • Great ! Love the true analog sounds ! I too have analog synthesizers, sometime use their sounds in AT ;)

  • When did you get this CS5?

  • Thanks man, between using the pulv and my cs5 I've really had a pretty decent understanding of subtractive synthesis.

  • dem synths tho