this. is. mindblowing.

Don't directly plays it... remix and see ;-)
I've had to bounce the main parts to have some ram to work with the tonematrixes ;-)
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0 wow!! this is awesome, FBS. very creative concept :)
0 thanks guys ;-)
@Tottenhauser : there will be some more... for sure ;-)
@rnzr : for this one i used my friend's macbook pro on chrome ;-) i think the lag is caused mainly of course by the number of tonematrix but the bpm is maybe a bit too high... all the amen are exactly sync (A for the kick, M for the snare and E and N for the hats) but hard to see in live with the lag... i will try with a slower bpm track (like yours) ;-)
0 really cool :) wonder what machine you have, mine is not able to play it lagfree, maybe i should try chrome!
0 Haha ;) we do need some VFX on AT!
0 Balèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèze !! :DD
0 Yes, FBS, Yes
0 merci... j'avoue que maintenant j'ai envie d'en faire encore plus... ça prend un peu de temps par contre ;-)
0 La c'est assez balèze se que tu viens de faire !
0 Now on youtube : (link is only visible to registered users) ;-)
0 elle bute bien ta jungle dude!!!
0 et merde c'est trop lourd, ma becanne suit pas pour le mater en mode remix...
0 hehe that's amazing :D
0 Mother of Tonematrixes.... My PC can't handle
0 Et très bonne sique !