Well people the ninja is going on break. So until we meet again. Goodnight my Ambient Children. Tell me what you think of this track and enjoy the music.


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  • You dam right it is!

    : ^]

  • This is a dope beat bro! the sound in the background kinda sounds like a lawn mower or something-lol ;P N oh man why are u leaving again... are u studying a new martial art technique like @Uprising !!! Aren't u guys already good enough damn it!?!?!?!!

  • Don't worry Sweattz and everybody else there are always EPs on the way <---- New stuff coming soon while I'm gone guys. I greatly appreciate the love everybody shows me when I drop a mean beat !!! But you guys can just sit back and enjoy the past tunes ! :D

  • Alright. All I'm going to do is change up the hats. This beat is too good to add anything.

  • Sorry for the shortness Jeff , and Rayneer yeah you can remix it. :)

  • This is so chill. You did a great job. And it's totally understandable every one needs a break every once in a while. And also I had an idea with the hats. Mind if I change them up a bit in a remix? If not it's perfectly fine. Good job though.