lower volume in some drum trscks...that values the melodic lines... some more rhythmic and bass variations... sounds good to me, valuing what is best in the original mix.

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  • Who like it, please share with friends. Thank you all!

  • virtuous, you create very good mix ... this makes it easy my work. I appreciate that

  • Nice! As always I feel honoured that you choose to remix my tracks.

  • Thank you for your comment. it motivates me

  • I like it. It gives off this sense that you had total control when you made it, like the track only went as far as you wanted it to go and didn't get all "iffy," unlike in all of my tracks. :P

  • for me, post production is very important: the equalization of tracks (drums, bass, melody ...), elimination of resonances, better synchronization of effects ...

    It takes work, but enhances the creation.

    My opinion: even in electronic music, percussion should not "suffocate" the other elements of music