finaly found the first techno track ;)

A republish of an old track for my mate @Kepz
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0 pure digital aggression!
0 aahhh this is a monster!
0 geweldig !
0 Pretty wicked ye. High energy stuff :P
0 great one
0 Yeah very good!
0 I was just going to delete it again... Now I can't :(
0 i remember ;) glad you publish it again
0 Thats the stuff, maan ;D
0 Na keep it, I think you'll be surprised at the reception it gets :)
0 Well thx but I just ressurected this for Kepz...not sure why he likes it. I'm just no good at techno...still believe I should delete this one permenantly.
0 Amazing song love the abnormal beat and synth :3
0 did you clean it up a bit? sounds better this time around ;)
0 great! :)