I think I figured out my own style. Enjoy! :)


Edit: Remix enabled

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Edit 2: Fixed bassline for the second drop

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  • awesome .... i had fun listening to this ....

  • THIS IS AMAZING! - Waveform

  • I agree with every comment, excluding any negative ones, of course. xDD

  • Beautiful, man... :')

  • Hey thanks everyone. :)

  • This is absolutely beautiful. Incredible stuff! Dat drop is excellent. 10/10

  • AWESOME track! got me hooked from the start!

  • Nice job this is a great style

  • this is freaking inspiring bro... just saying man. im loving it is like a bleepy housey dubstep kinda thing. keep it up :)

  • Thanks! EDM= Electronic Dance Music

  • It'a almost an euphoric feeling when one finds his or her style... this is pretty cool :)

  • nice one.... but forgive my ignorance what's edm ? i know only ebm or idm

  • Oh dang! Popeska is SICK! Thanks Oscar for showing me. :)

  • Thanks everyone! @ollie I will check out Popeska

  • Back again, love this so much man! Cant get over it. Heard of Popeska? This is his kinda style, i think you'd like him. Look him up on Soundcloud.

    Anyway, is the sqeal blip on the HB or Pulv? Im thinking about using it and changing it a little?